Wednesday, October 14, 2009 at 1:18 PM | 0 comments  
The nervous system gets in and sends out information about whats happening in your body. It also watches what's happening outside your body and responds to it. Tons of information that your body gets frome the outside world is flashed through your nervous system like mini Mega fast text messages. Almost immediately, your nervous system tells the other parts of your body what to do - Scratch the itch. laugh at ScoobyDoo, eat a Cookie. Your nervous system keeps Tabs on your breathing, blood pressure and body Temperature. If your nervous system is working properly, it Keeps your body working the way its supposed to no matter what's happening inside or outside your body. These changes whether they happen once or Five hundred Times are Called stimuli. Without your nervous System, you couldn't move think, laugh feel pain or enjoy that warm delicious Cookie mom made.
Posted by laura
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 at 10:24 AM | 0 comments  
Cerebellum: The part of the brain below the back of the cerebrum. It regulates bundle, posture, movement, and muscle coordination.

Corpus Callosum: A large bundle of nerve fibers that connect the left and right cerebral hemispheres. In the lateral section, it looks a bit like a con its side

Medulla Oblongata: The lowest section of the braninstem at the top end of the spinal cord it controls automatic functions, including heartbeat , breathing etc.

Thalamus: A relay station in the forebrain thought to be an important gathering point for input fromthe senses
Posted by laura
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