Cerebellum: The part of the brain below the back of the cerebrum. It regulates bundle, posture, movement, and muscle coordination.
Corpus Callosum: A large bundle of nerve fibers that connect the left and right cerebral hemispheres. In the lateral section, it looks a bit like a con its side
Medulla Oblongata: The lowest section of the braninstem at the top end of the spinal cord it controls automatic functions, including heartbeat , breathing etc.
Thalamus: A relay station in the forebrain thought to be an important gathering point for input fromthe senses
Corpus Callosum: A large bundle of nerve fibers that connect the left and right cerebral hemispheres. In the lateral section, it looks a bit like a con its side
Medulla Oblongata: The lowest section of the braninstem at the top end of the spinal cord it controls automatic functions, including heartbeat , breathing etc.
Thalamus: A relay station in the forebrain thought to be an important gathering point for input fromthe senses
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