Before the arrival of Europeans, the first Nations followed a wide array of mostly animistic religions. The first Europeans to settle in great numbers in Canada were French Latin rite Roman Catholics, including a large number of Jesuits dedicated to converting the natives, an effort that had only limited success.

The first large Protestant communities were formed in the Maritimes after they were conquered by the British. Unable to convince enough British immigrants to go to the region, the government decided to import continental Protestants from Germany and Switzerland to populate the region and counterbalance the Roman Catholic Acadians. This group was known as the Foreign Protestants. This effort proved successful and today the South Shore region of Nova Scotia is still largely Lutheran.

This pattern remained the same after the British conquest of all of New France in 1759. While originally plans to try to convert the Roman Catholic majority were in place, these were abandoned in the face of the American Revolution. The Quebec Act of 1774 acknowledged the rights of the Roman Catholic Church throughout Lower Canada in order to keep the French- Canadians loyal to Britain.
Posted by laura

First Canadian knights of Columbus Council formed in 1897

The first knights of Columbus Council in Canada was formed in Montreal in 1897. For more than a century, the knights of Columbus has thrived in Canada, and today, there are more than 229,500 Canadian members in nearly 1,900 councils throughout Canada 10

Provinces. As knights, members witness to their Catholic faith by serving the Church and engaging in volunteer service to those in need. Canada was a country that held special significance for Knights of Columbus founder Fr. Michael J. McGivney. Even before the knights existed, Fr. McGivney spent significant time in Canada as a seminarian first at St. Hyacinth College in Quebec, and later at St. Mary s College in Montreal.

Just 15 years after the knights of Columbus was founded in New Haven, Conn, the knights took root in Canada with the establishment of Montreal Council No. 284 in 1897. Former Mayer of Montreal James Guerin served as the first Grand knight, and within 12 years, the knights had established councils throughout Canada.

In the 108 years since that first council began in Montreal, the knights of Canada have dedicated themselves to charitable works throughout the country. Among the most notable activities of the knights in Canada was their establishment of Army Huts, which served as homes away from home for Canadian troops at training bases and behind the lines during World War II.
Posted by laura

Before the arrival of Europeans, the first Nations followed a wide array of mostly animistic religions. The first Europeans to settle in great numbers in Canada were French Latin rite Roman Catholics, including a large number of Jesuits dedicated to converting the natives, an effort that had only limited success.

The first large Protestant communities were formed in the Maritimes after they were conquered by the British. Unable to convince enough British immigrants to go to the region, the government decided to import continental Protestants from Germany and Switzerland to populate the region and counterbalance the Roman Catholic Acadians. This group was known as the Foreign Protestants. This effort proved successful and today the South Shore region of Nova Scotia is still largely Lutheran.
This pattern remained the same after the British conquest of all of New France in 1759. While originally plans to try to convert the Roman Catholic majority were in place, these were abandoned in the face of the American Revolution. The Quebec Act of 1774 acknowledged the rights of the Roman Catholic Church throughout Lower Canada in order to keep the French- Canadians loyal to Britain.

The American Revolution brought about a large influx of Protestants to Canada. United Empire Loyalists, fleeing the rebellious United States, moved in large number to Upper Canada and the Maritimes. They comprised a mix of Christian groups with a large number of Anglicans, but also many Presbyterians and Methodists.

In the early nineteenth century in the Maritimes and Upper Canada, the Anglican Church held the some official Position it did in the United kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland apart from Scotland where the official church, the Church of Scotland was Presbyterian.
Posted by laura

Benjamin kidd, sociologist, Was born in Clare on September 9th 1858. His father, also Benjamin, was a constable with the Royal Irish Constabulary. Following a poor education, Benjamin Junior entered the Inland Revenue Department of the Civil Service in a minor capacity in 1877. He worked in obscurity there for seventeen years. However, his spare time was devoted to study and in 1894 his first work was published. It was entitled Social Evolution and it brought him financial success and international fame. The controversial book was a philosophical work based on the theme that religion is the hub of humanity. He believed that reason was selfish and short- sighted and was of no help to mankind in the more important crises of life. Some criticisms were leveled at the book, stating that the style was more suited to sensational journalism than to the exposition of philosophical ideas. The book contained a strong attack on socialism, a fact that commended it to the reactionary section of the public and ensured its success. The book was translated into ten la of articles commissioned by The times and later published under the title.nguages, including Arabic, Chinese, Czechoslovakian, French, German and Swedish.

The success of his work allowed Benjamin to retire from the Civil Service and between 1898 and 1902 he travelled extensively throughout America, Canada and Africa. These travels resulted in a series of articles Commissioned by The Times and later published under the title The Control of the Tropics. His book The principles of Western Civilization” was puplished in 1902.The subject matter was similar to his first book but was not as well received. It was described as long, verbose and obscure. In May 1908 Benjamin kidd delivered the Herbert Spencer Lecture to Oxford University. It was entitled Individualism and after” in 1910 he started work on his book The Science of power” in which he reiterated his ideas on religion and humanity. He also expressed the view that women was the great power in creating the” enthusiasm of the ideal” This book was published posthumously in 1918 and was a success. Kidd wrote the article “ Sociology” for the 1911 edition of Encyclopedia Britannica.
Posted by laura

What Is Vitamin A?

Vitamin A is important to vision, especially the ability to see in the dark. A deficiency of vitamin A leads to xerophthalmia, which causes irreversible damage to the eyes and blindness. Vitamin A deficiency is a major cause of blindness in the world. Vitamin A is also important to maintaining healthy skin and it helps the body to resist infection.

Benefits of Vitamin A

Vitamin A is important for the immune system, and it keeps skin and mucous membrane cells healthy. Vitamin A helps to fight cancer by inhibiting the production of DNA in cancerous cells. It slows down tumor growth in established cancers and may keep leukemia cells from dividing.

What Is Vitamin B?

The B- complex vitamins are actually a group of eight vitamins which include
- Thiamine B1
- Riboflavin B2
-Niacin B3
-Pantothenic acid B5
-Cyanocobalamin B12
-Folic acid

These vitamins are essential for:

The breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose this provides energy for the body the breakdown of fats and proteins which aids the normal functioning of the nervous system
Muscle tone in the stomach and intestinal

Some doctors and nutritionists suggest taking the B- complex vitamins as a group for overall good health. However, most agree that the best way to get our B vitamins is naturally through the foods we eat.

Vitamin c

It is interesting to note that most animals produce their own vitamin C. Man, primate’s apes, chimps, et cetera and guinea pigs have lost this ability. Due to this similarity with man, guinea pigs have been subjected to experimentation over the years. Both vitamin C and the B vitamins are also stored in the liver.
What so important about Calcium?
Calcium is responsible for the development of bones and teeth and also plays a vital role in muscle contraction- this includes the heart- cell metabolism, and much more.
What is Calcium?
It is a basic chemical element that is classified as a mineral. It is the most abundant mineral in the body. Ninety- nine per cent of calcium is in our bones and teeth, with the remainder in our tissues and blood.

How does it work?

Calcium intake is regulated hormonally and also requires Vitamin D, which assists in its absorption into the body through the intestines and in keeping calcium in the body in balance. In childhood bones are being made at a rapid rate. In our middle adult years, the balance between bone making and bone breakdown in a healthy person is about equal. And then, as we age, more bone breakdown occurs, especially in women as they enter menopause. Calcium is a key player in all of this. Healthy bones at any age depend on how calcium is used to make them, how much is being released into the bloodstream as they breakdown, and then how that, along with new calcium we take in through our diet, is used again to remake our bones.
Posted by laura
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