First Canadian knights of Columbus Council formed in 1897

The first knights of Columbus Council in Canada was formed in Montreal in 1897. For more than a century, the knights of Columbus has thrived in Canada, and today, there are more than 229,500 Canadian members in nearly 1,900 councils throughout Canada 10

Provinces. As knights, members witness to their Catholic faith by serving the Church and engaging in volunteer service to those in need. Canada was a country that held special significance for Knights of Columbus founder Fr. Michael J. McGivney. Even before the knights existed, Fr. McGivney spent significant time in Canada as a seminarian first at St. Hyacinth College in Quebec, and later at St. Mary s College in Montreal.

Just 15 years after the knights of Columbus was founded in New Haven, Conn, the knights took root in Canada with the establishment of Montreal Council No. 284 in 1897. Former Mayer of Montreal James Guerin served as the first Grand knight, and within 12 years, the knights had established councils throughout Canada.

In the 108 years since that first council began in Montreal, the knights of Canada have dedicated themselves to charitable works throughout the country. Among the most notable activities of the knights in Canada was their establishment of Army Huts, which served as homes away from home for Canadian troops at training bases and behind the lines during World War II.
Posted by laura


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