Adequate fluids are important for young athletes before, during and after intense exercise such as basket ball games or any other competitive, nonstop physical activity that leaves them hot and sweaty. Children need to take responsibility for drinking enough to urinate frequently. A sign of being adequately hydrated is urinating every 2 to 4 hours. The urine should be pale yellow, not dark and concentrated. Recommend kids fuel - up with a pre- exercise snack and tank- up with water or juice or low fat milk pre- exercise. They can then drink water during the event, and enjoy orange slices or fruit at breaks. Sports drinks are also an acceptable choice DURING hot, sweaty exercise such as a basket ball or soccer game, especially if the alternative is yucky tasting water. kids are likely to Although drinks more of a good- tasting fluid, hence reduce their risk of becoming dehydrated Although sports drinks can be appropriate during extended exercise on the playing field they have no place in child’s lunch box, at the dinner table, or for between- meal snacks. Sports drinks are simply sugar water- and they easily displace orange juice, low fat milk, and other beverages with nutritional value. Kids should be drinking at least three glasses of low fat milk per day for calcium and protein two nutrients important for strong, healthy athletes, as well as a glass of orange juice for vitamin c to boost the immune system and enhance healing By teaching children about quality calories, they can reap the lifelong benefits of a health -promoting sports diet.
Posted by laura


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