Thursday, March 11, 2010 at 12:36 PM |  

Fat in normal women represents between 18 and 20 of body weight, whereas in men it represents only 10 to 15. The reason for this difference is that women at some points in their lives may nourish a fetus and then a baby from their own reserves, so women have to stock energy in the from of fat in anticipation of future pregnancies and must stock even more energy during the last two trimesters of pregnancy. For various reasons, different fat distributions occur in women according to climate. In hot countries, the fat is localized on the buttocks - Black Africans, the hips Mediterraneans, and around the navel certain Asians.
This distribution avoids covering the woman with a hot coat of Fat that would be difficult to bear and inefficient for thermoregulation during hot periods. In cold countries, the distribution of fat is more uniform, which provides for better protection during rigorous winters. However, the fat is distributed, its main function is for the survival of the species as it provides for survival of the women and her offspring during times of scarcity. It is important to note that all healthy people have fat reserves necessary for the proper functioning of their bodies. Obsession with obesity or the need to follow deviant aesthetic fashions should not lead to the complete elimination of fat.

Primary fat Deposits
Fat reserves accumulate in very specific areas on the body. Generally they avoid the flexion folds at the Joints in order not to interfere with movement. Fat accumulations are often distributed the same in both sexes, the main difference is in the greater development on certain areas in women.
Posted by laura


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